Mille Stelle | Hotel Eggenstein | Hotel Eggenstein | Hotel Mille Stelle |

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Ihr Mille Stelle Team Eggenstein

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Welcome to the Mille Stelle Hotel

Staying over night at Mille Stelle? Of course you can!

As of now we have a total of nine rooms as part of our new hotel. The former restaurant Lamm was tastefully renovated in August 2014 to create a traditional space with a modern twist. We well and truly rejuvenated this historical building by adding a sense of passion and temperament.

In the centre within no time

You enjoy being close to the city centre as well as having a good night’s sleep?
You appreciate a romantic atmosphere as well as comfort and professionalism?
Then our hotel is the right place for you. Our family-run business will offer you a cosy environment to sleep in – and you will only be about 15 minutes (approximately 5 miles) away from Karlsruhe city centre, 20 minutes away from Karlsruhe central station and
10 minutes (approximately 3 miles) away from the KIT research centre. You could even catch the tram as you can reach the nearest stop on foot in only 5 minutes.

Check In & Out

Check-In 5pm-10pm
Check-Out 11am

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